The economy
Since service industries comprise about two-thirds of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and agriculture accounts for less than 4%, the structure of the Croatian economy is similar to that of the countries of the European Union. The main economic branches in the country are determined by natural resources, but also by technology and industry (food industry, petrochemicals, metalworking). The most important branch of the economy is tourism, with moret than 16 million foreign guests, contributing almost 20% to the GDP. As in many European countries, the greatest problem facing the Croatian economy in the current period of crisis is the relatively high level of unemployment. Croatia has a developed infrastructure, and in the last 15 years, 1,000 km of modern highways have been built, which has contributed significantly to linking the countries of the European Union. In fact, Croatia conducts two-thirds of its foreign trade with EU countries, primarily Germany, Italy, Slovenia, Austria, and Hungary; Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia are also important trading partners.